Signs and Symptoms of Problem Gambling

Gambling is a social activity that involves risking an item of value in exchange for another object of equal or greater value. There are many different types of gambling, but there are also a number of special populations that are more at risk for problem gambling. These populations include adolescents, veterans, aging adults, and Latino or Asian communities. The following information will help you recognize whether you may be suffering from problem gambling. Read on to learn more about the symptoms and treatments of problem gambling.

Problem gambling

When practiced responsibly, gambling can be a pleasant pastime. But when done with an unhealthy mindset, it can be dangerous and even harmful. Problem gambling is often called a “hidden addiction” because it rarely manifests any physical or outward symptoms. In this article, we’ll examine the signs and symptoms of problem gambling in both young and old. Insidious gambling behavior is an indication of problem gambling. And the signs and symptoms of problem gambling may vary from person to person.

Treatment options for problem gambling include counseling, step-based programs, self-help and peer support groups, and medications. Although no one treatment is considered more effective than another, there are a number of proven methods of dealing with pathological gambling. Unfortunately, no medication has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of pathological gambling. Despite these methods, there’s no guarantee that they’ll be effective for every person with a gambling problem.


One of the most common signs of gambling addiction is depression. Symptoms of depression can include lethargy, a loss of appetite, and general unhappiness. While depression is difficult to control, treatment for gambling addiction can address both of these issues. Gambling addiction can result in a second mortgage on the home. The person may become unable to pay the bills. He or she may also begin lying about where he or she is.

The person may become increasingly withdrawn or difficult to contact. This could have serious consequences on a relationship. Initially, some partners thought their partner was having an affair, but this was not the case. Without trust, the gambling addict can lead to even more problems at home. For help, you can contact an organization such as Ara, which offers free support to people affected by gambling addiction. If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to seek treatment.


Besides the usual emotional effects, excessive gambling can lead to other physical and emotional problems as well. It can result in depression, anxiety and insomnia. The person suffering from gambling addiction may have difficulty breathing and develop chest tightness. These physical symptoms can worsen as the person begins to withdraw from gambling. Moreover, the person may feel depressed and hopeless. If you’re worried about any of these symptoms, it’s best to seek help as soon as possible.

While gambling is a popular hobby around the world, there are people who cannot control themselves and end up spending all their money on it. These people suffer from gambling addiction, a mental health disorder that can cause serious problems for a person. Because of the similarities between the symptoms of gambling and impulse control disorders, the disorder is usually diagnosed as a dual disorder. In such cases, the symptoms are often linked and the person can benefit from dual diagnosis.


Problem gambling is one of the most common mental health problems, and it can lead to a whole host of other issues. Although it affects only about 2% to 3% of the population, millions of people in the United States have a gambling problem, and 1% of the world’s population has a gambling problem. Additionally, the risk of suicide for someone suffering from gambling addiction is higher than for those suffering from other forms of mental health disorders.

In many cases, compulsive gambling is the result of a deeper mental health condition, such as an underlying emotional issue or avoidance issue. In such cases, therapy or medication may be necessary to help a person deal with these issues and overcome their gambling urges. However, sometimes problem gambling is caused by another mental health disorder, such as bipolar disorder, and the best treatment is to seek help. In such cases, treatment for gambling addiction may be as simple as counseling and taking antidepressants or mood stabilizers to overcome the urge to gamble.